Well it is time to speak of the progress happening behind the scenes with People Growing Hope & Recovery. I am not sure how many are aware of us but a little background is in order.
It all began with a vision that formed out of being in the hospital diagnosed with Asthma after going to the Emergency room for what I thought was a severe case of Chronic Bronchitis. As a result I was going to miss my regular GA meeting and I felt like I needed it. While there I kept thinking that there has to be more to recovery and that I needed that meeting.
Fast forward a few years and Problem Gambling Hope & Recovery was born on Facebook. That was December 29, 2017 and I was still focused on my recovery from compulsive gambling. I had been doing 1 on 1 discussions via phone, text, video platforms and such for several years but wanted it to be more which led to Zoom meetings (a platform that was shared with me by a wonderful person in Oklahoma). I also had been writing short articles on line for over 12 years and developed them in to one of the 5 books I wrote but it seemed that I needed to do more.
In the years since the changes have led to People Growing Hope & Recovery becoming a Non Profit fellowship as well as the change from focusing on Gambling addiction to focusing on recovery from addiction (Regardless of the form). Several groups have broken off to become their own fellowships taking with them ideas formed and discussed and making them their own. It confirms 2 things related to People Growing Hope & Recovery.
It is a solid Vision.
Everyone has to do what is best for themselves.
With that Said, I am proud of them and of the vision which is a gift of the spiritual guide who gave it to me (I prefer to call this guide God). Because it is not mine but a gift from God, I continue to listen and follow the guidance given which set forth some clear boundaries and gave focus. Now to speak of where the fellowship is presently.
The first book specific to the vision is complete and another is in the works.
The website is being put together with a focus on principles regardless of personality.
The fellowship is about keeping people safe who are seeking recovery so the principle of Anonymity led to the idea of a "members only" area which allows for a safe place to have meetings and talk recovery. While virtual meetings have many safe guards they are gone once put in public forums (Social media and public websites).
Today we embark on the new frontier of virtual fellowships.
The path forward is determined by the fellowship and what can be helpful. Now it is your turn! Consider requesting to join the members area!