People Growing Hope & Recovery
A Unity of Purpose Starting With unity of focus:
Start where you are and go where Recovery Leads.
12 steps: 12 Traditions and Hope
Before Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the program existed and it has existed since the beginning of time. What began to happen with respect to “recovery” as a relationship was becoming more divided. AA began out of the beliefs of The Oxford Group. Despite the focus on a relationship with a power greater than self, personalities create segments and today there are many different fellowships for recovery. Recovery as relationship became specific to AA, NA, OA, GA and the list goes on. Some kept the “Anonymous” portion and others went back into a “Religion” focus. In reality, the foundation is the same and yet the personal ‘specialties’ came out. Recovery became divided into separate communities. PGHR is born out of that environment but as is stated in their mission and vision (below), PGHR believes that unity brings hope which brings recovery in a strong way.
PGHR Mission & Vision
Mission statement
Our mission is to bring recovery to those who are suffering from addiction by uniting people, sharing hope, growing community, and connecting between fellowships of recovery.
Vision statement
While each fellowship and organization is unique, PGHR has a vision where all addictions work together in unity of purpose and focus to achieve a stronger community of recovery

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
William James
Support Us
You Can Make a Difference

Volunteer Your Time
Put Your Recovery In Action
Recovery can be a challenge and the idea of service can be scary but consider sharing your time in a visible way by doing one of the following:
1. Chair a meeting
2. Share your story
3. offer to help with outreach
4. Attend a meeting.
5. Start a thread (public or private)
The list goes on. Don't hesitate to reach out with ideas that are part of your unique skills.

Make a Donation
Show Your Support
Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

Partner with Us
Have an Impact
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people and organizations with every contribution going towards making People Growing Hope & Recovery an even better Non-Profit Organization and bringing unity to the recovery community. We want to provide you with the opportunity to share services, material and whatever you might want to! Don’t hesitate to contact us with your ideas, thoughts and questions.

Donate A skill or Service
Help Us Soar
This is one of the simplest ways to help out our cause. We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved. Everyone has something to offer from a hobby to a business service. If you have or think you might have something to offer contact us. Even if you think it is not that big or important it may be more than you think it is!