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PGHR Mission and Vision

People Growing Hope & Recovery: 

A Fellowship and Community Of Recovery



Our Mission is to bring Recovery to those who are suffering from Addiction by uniting people, sharing hope, growing community and Connection between fellowships of recovery.



Vision Statement: While each Fellowship and Organization is unique, our vision at PGHR is to promote unity where all work together to create a strong Recovery community.

How It All Started The Birth Of  A Vision


Introducing: People Growing Hope & Recovery!

A Fellowship and Community Of Recovery


In late 2011 a vison was born that took a different track on Addiction and Recovery. In a moment of trial came a question:


What about those who can’t make it to meetings?


Laying in a hospital bed and wanting a meeting this question was answered with the response “Technology”.  Virtual meetings with the same safety as live meetings.

This led to another question when approached by a nurse who asked what the addiction was that I was looking for a meeting. In talking to this addict with a different addiction, something became clear. Recovery was less about the addiction and more about the ‘treatment’. While different people with a different form of addiction might not understand the addiction, they understood the same recovery.


Why focus on the addiction when the real situation was Recovery?


Thus People Growing Hope & Recovery began forming. On December 29, 2017 it was born as Problem Gambling Hope & Recovery but since then it has evolved into the fellowship seen today.


 Below you will see  pictures of 2 bikes. One is rusted and broken down and the other is restored. The meaning is simply that recovery is a path to restoring life. While remaining in the addiction is a path to destruction.











The story behind The Bikes:


I was in recovery and struggling with making amends with my father. It became clear in mid-2009 that I could not delay. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 Small Cell Lung Cancer and the opportunity was fading to make amends. My father had always been very capable of repairing mechanical things and I was enthusiastic about bike repair now (up until 2005 I hated mechanical stuff).  He was not as able to do the fine motor skill work so we set out in early 2010 repairing the bike together. No words were ever spoken of my past addiction but in the restoring of that Sears & Roebuck bike we made peace. He rode it for a while in the summer and on December 26, 2010 he died a few minutes after midnight. In this I learned a valuable lesson and found peace with my past.



Our Mission is to bring Recovery to those who are suffering from Addiction by uniting people, sharing hope, growing community and Connection between fellowships of recovery


 While each Fellowship and Organization is unique, PGHR has a vision where all work together in Unity of Purpose and focus to achieve a stronger community of Recovery.

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